horse isle 2

: Player 1: "That singer is sooo hot I love him" Player 2: "No he's not hes ugly!!" 4] A Multiple account is when you sign up for more than one playername; e.g. Story Telling You cannot change a horse's basic personality, but there are ways you can minimize problems and enhance good traits. Upon your horse's passing, all tack and companions will return to your inventory. or $5/mo USD game memberships provide many benefits. SOCIAL allows horse to be ridden when others are present. Horse Isle 2 featured an enlarged version of the original map, introducing many new 'isles' and towns for players to visit. 1] The definition of harassment: "to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute." It requires care! Bonuses. They can be seen on the Account page. Next to the player's name you will see a "MUTE" button, click it. Stuck Item Lists. 6] Players who are not Moderators: Please do not attempt to correct other players who have broken a rule - this only singles out the player in question, this is a Moderator's job, and not at all expected of you. 4] If a player Personally Messages you begging for something, kindly ask them not to beg. 5] Beauty Contests should be held at the ranch of the player holding the contest (if any prizes are to be given out, the player must be subscribed, so will most likely have a ranch). 6] Please avoid sending advertisements to players with the Personal Message system - most players do NOT appreciate this. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. Default Breeding: Same Parents: 100% Parent Offspring Different Parents: 25% mother, 25% father, 50% grade (build based on either parent) Color Selecting Code: Parent Base colors are combined via chart below, to result in 4 possible output base colors. supply at the store. 500+ Adventure Quests. 2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites, your efforts will be in vain. 1] Clubs are started by purchasing a Club Token from the Shop. 1] You may quit playing at anytime. Dungeon Horses are the animals in horse isle that can be ridden, making the player travel two times faster than walking. 7] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. 1] Cheating in any way will result in punishment depending on severity. Breaks Default Breeding: Same Parents: 100% Parent Offspring Different Parents: 25% mother, 25% father, 50% grade (build based on either parent) Color Selecting Code: Parent Base colors are combined via chart below, to result in 4 possible output base colors. 2] It is not advisable to bring up any topic directly relation to ethnicity, arguments could occur. Failure to do so will result in both accounts being deleted and all of your items lost. 1] Abuse reports are filed in an effort to sort out any serious rule breaking problems. 6] Do not use any type of automated click/repetition tools. #3) Run the flashplayer_32_sa.exe (windows), #4)This will open a mostly white empty application,at the top,click FILE -> OPEN (, Right click on the "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" projector that you downloaded above -> Click "Create Shortcut", Right click on this new icon "flashplayer_32_sa.exe Shortcut" -> Click "Properties". Horse Isle 2 Help. Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. Completing these can earn you awards and bonuses. You can always adopt surrendered horses in the livery. Development began in 2018, with several rounds of beta testing taking place in early- to mid-2019, undertaken by staff and volunteer players from the first two games. 1] There are five forums: Bugs, Community Help, Game, Horses, General. Search around the bottom of the plant, you'll need to use your rake. 1] You may not copy someone else's art, fan art exempted. The other section is items you can find in stores. 1] An insecure player is someone who willingly defaces or badmouth themselves. : "Horse Maps"); This action is considered scamming, if you are unsure about these services you may contact a Moderator or Admin to verify or report the action. The Horse Isle game is a Web Browser Based Flash Game where players may play with virtual horses and interact with real players in a virtual world. Advertising 7] In order to file an abuse report you need to click the "HELP" button and then click the button "ABUSE REPORT". var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. 3] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. 4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is a good reason they were personally muted. At the General Store. Buy your very own island. Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take on the task of getting it all started. 4] There have been cases of players attempting to sell non existent services or items (e.g. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 2] Admin review ALL abuse reports - treat this feature with respect. They are the mystical horses on Horse Isle 2. Personal Information 2] Remember that players may come from different countries and may share different beliefs. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. 6] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. Horse Isle 3's moderatorship has been a matter of some contention, owing to allegations of unequal treatment of LGBTQ+ people and support of prison camp themed content. 3] Acting in this manner can sometimes bring negative attention to yourself and frequently causes fights. 5] Contest scams must be reported immediately, if you have been scammed please file an Abuse Report immediately. I will openly admit that, I'm not scared. 1] Opinions and freedom of speech are allowed, although they must be within the rules. 4] You should change your password frequently in order to prevent hacking, you can change it by going to, clicking on the" Account" button near the top of the website. The game also features parental language filters. 2] Please do not argue with a Moderator when you are told to do something, or when you are muted, there is always a good reason if a Moderator has contacted or muted you. 2] This is only shown to you to give you an idea of what you may have done that was against our rules. Horse Isle 2 Help. 2] If a player wants to go to the Dungeon on their own there is a NPC (non-player character) that will send them. He'll give you a key for his cabin, and you'll have to search for the miniature cactus yourself. 3] If you witness any cheating, please file an abuse report. Obelisks. If you do not use this system, it is considered trading on a promise, and the above statements apply. 4] Claiming another player is bad or evil for sending their horse to the foreign bidder is also strictly not allowed. We plan to offer player-created guides as well as providing a list of all of the Help Topics from the game. 6] Some examples include harassment, pushing someone for detailed personal information and getting extreme profanity around the dictionary. It will fill half of the Thirst bar. 1] Slaughter topics are inappropriate and should not be discussed at any time, we all love animals and do not appreciate these sorts of topics. However in eternal, your horses will live forever. Search this site. How the new owner is chosen is up to the current owner. Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find . 3] Remember to try and keep personal misfortunes to yourself. 1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." 3] If someone attempts to bully or harass you about this, please ask them nicely to stop asking. 1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given, this is your responsibility to price accordingly. When a horse is starving, it will lose 4 points of health per hour. If you dig where the Obelisk tells you to go . You'll need a pick to clear away the rock. She tells you that the best place is on Ice Cube Isle. Beauty Contests Legend of the Esrohs was also a Flash-based game, which was slated to become non-viable at the end of 2020. Horse Isle 1: The Secret Land of Horses was created in 2006 by Joe Durbin, with the aim of creating a horse game geared towards young girls. 2] Being muted results in ALL of the chats being barred from use by a player for a given period of time depending on severity. 2] Horse Isle is not a place to discuss who is "hot" or not, this could result in misunderstandings and disagreements - please do not engage in this sort of topic. You might want to get a horse if you don't have one, here are a few tips: You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. Somewhere in the middle of Vine Isle. if (windowHref.indexOf('?') 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Beauty Contest. Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items A horse Isle 2 guide by a Lost one. 7] Once ownership is transferred, the original purchaser of the token has no say in what happens to the club and cannot have ownership back without permission from the current owner. 5] ALWAYS assure that all of your passwords are Alphanumerical (Numbers AND Letters) and are longer than 8 characters. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 6] Do not trade something you are not willing to lose. Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! Sewing Patterns. 3] Begging is strictly against the rules - the aim of the game is to earn what ever it is that you want, and begging takes the fun out of the game. There are many breeds of horses and ponies found all over the isles. #1) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: #2) Download and place anywhere you want to start HI2. This land is completely non-violent. 6] Do NOT ask another player's age, and do NOT share your own age. 7] Most of the time you will not see a Moderator correcting or warning a player - Moderators correct, or warn using a Personal Message - Please do not assume a Moderator is not dealing with a problem. either using Personal Messaging or Area chat please immediately Personally Mute the player AND File an Abuse Report. Players choose to run these. This includes, but is not limited to, high school student, teen, pre-teen, 10-16, etc. 3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the game enjoyable for all. A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. View Mobile Site Follow on IG . Moderators giving their friends special treatment will have their status removed. 2] The ONLY websites which are acceptable to discuss are reference sites; Then go to the horses tab and choose "Feed" and choose the water filled bucket to give to your horse. Bias url("//") format("woff2"), > -1) { 1] A Horse Isle Moderator is someone who is enabled to enforce the rules of Horse Isle - someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid conflict. Do this instead of letting them use yours. Finding them better tack, or even finding your horse a nice pet! Filter Abused Horses Claims DO NOT be upset when they do not have time to help you, and be grateful when they do. This is because an admin must do so by hand. 1] There is a Beauty Arena. 2] Remember that rules allow us to help you get the most out of the game, please keep to the rules accordingly. 1] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. Dozens of original, professionally composed soundtracks for each terrain type and location type. You can buy a horse from a ranch store, to access one, go to the dock( a brown building near the sea ) and click on the person in there( make sure its the NPC ) , then click "routes". This includes in chat, profiles, descriptions and art. HI3: Infinite Wilds! Player Politeness A unique interactable world, all in easily accessible 2.5D vector art. This is set up so both players do not lose money in the end. Forums Participating in cheating will result in punishment. font-weight: 500; 2] Cheating: For these competitions "cheating" is defined as acting in a dishonest or unfair fashion to gain an advantage in the competition. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. Horse Isle (Official) Note: The items listed are only the items that have an unlimited "!" 3] If your opinions happen to be offensive to anyone else, or will result in an argumentative discussion, please do NOT further discuss the topic. 1] Sportsmanship: In the game in general, and especially in arena and other game competitions, we emphasize sportsmanship: fairness in following the rules of the game, respect for opponents, and polite, non-manipulative behavior. I'm Back. Horse Isle 3: Infinite Wilds went live in August 2019, featuring several notable changes from the first two games: One notable difference between Horse Isle 3 and its older counterparts was the ability to access a large majority of the game without a subscription; in contrast to the previous two games, subscriptions only granted players useful, but relatively small perks, with much of the rest of the game accessible and playable without a subscription. Trading on a Promise Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale Cheat Sites Abuse Reports 4] Naming of Horses in other languages are acceptable provided it is in the dictionary and you include the meaning of the name in the horse's profile. Many completely original soundtracks and game musics, professionally produced. } There were no towns or 'isles' on a fixed map; the game's map was instead endless, and only showed areas that the player had explored. 4] Calling for players to gather on a normal isle is not allowed since many players may need to be there to quest and don't want to go to the Dungeon. 5] Don't share too many personal problems, this is a game and not a consultancy. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. or which are general commentary pertaining to one specific player (such as "I love my buddy PlayerName!") Head south, past two Venus Flytraps, you'll see him above the third. These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. Group activities include drawing rooms, music rooms, and poetry rooms! 2] The definition of an advertisement is: "to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) -Broodmare, Apple (Green)- Windy Pines, Sunny Glade, Angled Forest, Islands LakeApple (Red)- Bend, Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Curvy, Islands Lakekkkk, Acorn- Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Prairie, Banana- Green, Lost Jungle, Vine, Banana, Tiger isles :D, Brazil Nut- Green, Lost Jungle, AncientBlackberry- Windy Pines, Plains, CurvyBlueberry- Windy Pines, Curvy, Dumbbell, Angled Forest, Boysenberry- LanceCashew- Droplet, Angled Forest, Cinnamon Curls- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, Coconuts- most isles w/ beachCranberry- Twin ForestGrapefruit- Grass, Square, Honeycomb- in any forestHuckleberry- Droplet, LanceLemons- Grass, Birch, Square, Twin RiversLimes (green)- Grass Isle, Square, Olives- Sunny Glade, DumbbellOrange- Grass Isle, Big Forest, Square, Twin Rivers, Peanuts- Marshy, PrairiePecan- Grass Isle, Bend, Plains, Curvy, Pineapple- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, Banana, TigerPistachios- Grass Isle, Brown, Droplet, Sunny Glade, Angled ForestPlum- Bend, Sunny Glade, CurvyRaspberry- Windy Pines, Bend, CurvyStrawberry- Twin Forest, Windy Pines, Lance, Sunny Glade, Curvy, LineThimbleberry- Windy Pine, Lance, Sunny Glade, Vanilla- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, BananaWalnut- Twin Forest, Dumbbell, Aloe Leaves- Dry, Amber Sands, Desert, Yellow, Arid, Vapid, Golden, Calla Lillies- Marshy, Swampy, Bog, Pitcher, Gas, Cactus Figs- Amber SandsCatnip- Twin Forest, Windy Pines, Sunny Glade, Plains, Carnation- Narrowed, Angled Forest (in fenced areas), Cattails- Sunny Glade, Marshy, Bog, Gas, Swampy, PitcherCotton- Brown, Lance, Square, Islands Lake, PrairieClover Flowers- Birch, Big Forest, SavannaDaffodil- Windy Pines, Angled Forest, Chilly ForestDandelion Plant (white and yellow)- Brown, Twin Forest, Bend, Lance, Sunny Glade, Curvy, Prairie, Geraniums- Brown, Windy Pine, Meadow, Angled ForestGolden Wattle- Windy Pine, Bend, Sunny Glade, Angled ForestIvy- Windy Pine, Bend, Sunny Glade, Curvy, Angled ForestLupine- Bend, Plains, Marshmallow plant - MarshyMagnolia- SwampyMarigold- Brown, Windy Pine, Grass, AngledMint- Twin Forest, Bend, Circle ForrestOrange Daylilly- Windy Pine, Sunny Glade, Narrowed, Papyrus- Amber Sands, DesertPeanut Plant- Grass Isle, Pink Orchid- Green, Pink Orchid, Ancient, Vine, Purple Daisy- Birch, PlainsPurple Rose Buds- BirchRed Clover- Birch, Windy Pine, NarrowedRed Rose- Birch, Sunny Glade, Angled, Circle ForrestSunflower- Grass Isle, Brown, Plains, Prairie, MeadowTulips (all colors)- Bend, Sunny GladeViolet- Grass, Birch, Circle ForrestWhite Rose- Birch, Windy Pines, Boot, White Daisy- Plains, Narrowed, Meadowton, Boot, Yucca Flower- Dry, Amber Sands, Desert, Yellow, Arid, Vapid, Golden, Gold Ore- Seashell, Lance, Swampy, Bend, Big Forest, Twin River, Silver Ore- Bog, Vapid, Big Forest, Oak, Twin River, Iron Ore- Grass Isle, Windy Pines, Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Crater Mountain, Dumbbell, Big Forest, Line, Narrowed, Twin River, Copper Ore- Windy Pines, Marshy, Savanna, Dumbbell, Big Forest, Line, Sprout, Bud, Twin River, Snowballs- Glacier, Blizzard, Crystal, Ice Cube, Flurry, Snowflake, Frozen, White, Marshmallow Root- Marshy, Bog, Gas, Pitcher, Swampy. This even includes mentioning what religion you are. Religion 1] The definition of Spam is: "to post irrelevant messages one or more times in deliberate or accidental violation of rules." 7] If, after you have had a temporary ban, you receive more violations, you may be given a longer temporary ban, or a permanent ban from the game. Construction Plans . Anarchy and Players There's your Trilobite fossil. 3] Please do NOT attempt to dodge or avoid this filter in any way, this is strictly against the rules. HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. In most cases, you will lose your account permanently. 4] Do NOT share ANY Phone/Cell numbers. Now, you should be able to doubleclick that icon to save time :). 3] Admins should be fair, and uphold the rules set forth - Being fair requires being strict. This means that wild horses cannot be "stolen" from someone else- it's "catchers keepers!" Relationships Searching the world for buried treasures, rare items, and hidden adventures. There is one effect of mood: a happy horse will perform better in a competition than a sad one. Get Started Multiple Accounts 3] Please do NOT harass or beg a player if they caught the Wild Horse before you did, it belongs to the player who first caught it. Doing so is considered cheating and will result in losing everything that was moved if not losing both accounts completely. 3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the . 2] Horses marked "Not selling now" may or may not be for sale. [1] In May2010, the second edition of the game, Horse Isle: Legend of the Esrohs was released, with gameplay and graphics differing significantly from the game's first release. 5] If you are not the account owner, but someone has given you their password, this does not give you the right or the okay to log onto their account, give them violations or remove anything from the account. 1] Trading on a promise is when one player gives something to another under the promise that the other will do their half of the trade, or return the traded item, at a later time. Crafting. 4] Do NOT engage in this sort of conversation at all, it only adds fuel to the conversation and might land you in trouble whether you are trying to help or not, this situation will be dealt with. Very rarely, your horse might suffer from a variety of illness or injuries. 1] The definition of Pity: "sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy; a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret." 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. Take that time to go over the rules and be sure you understand them so you do not acquire more once your ban is up. 3] If you come across a bug or glitch you can report it directly to Admin or in the forums. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Services Provided by Players ( 8/30/15. Do NOT willingly give out your money, horses or items as that will fall under an unfair trade. 1] Please assure that you do NOT deliberately break rules. Any valuables or money exchanged beforehand, could result in the player being banned. Banned Dozens of accurate and detailed breed renderings. 1] The leasing system is set up to make it safe to lease a horse to another player for boarding or training purposes. 2] If two players both find this horse, the person who catches it, OWNS it. To players with the personal Message system - most players do not appreciate this in this manner can sometimes negative. To your inventory everything that was moved If not losing both accounts completely them not to beg racing,,... Cube Isle ] Acting in this manner can sometimes bring negative attention to yourself and frequently causes.! And hidden adventures space, and do not appreciate this here: # 2 ) Download Projector. You do not be for sale or training purposes and competing with your horses will live forever grateful they... Gain horse Isle that can be ridden, making the player travel two times faster than walking descriptions! Avoid sending advertisements to players with the personal Message system - most players do not ``. 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